5 Proven Methods To Get More Email Subscribers Today

    1. Use a call to action at the end of your article or blog post

    During the pursuit of new email subscribers, optins are your best friends. An optin allows visitors to your website a chance to join your mailing list. Of course, your mailing list has to be attractive enough with what you are offering your visitors.

    Now, if you believe that you are a great content creator and that the people who read your blog post or article are those who resonate with your messages, good news. You can choose to utilise an optin at the end of your blog post or article.

    According to the study presented by Option Monster, readers who successfully reach the conclusion of your article are in a receptive state. Amid the multitude of articles available, they have chosen to engage with yours, dedicating their time until the very end. This evident interest signifies a positive connection. Hence, the conclusion of your article presents an ideal opportunity to invite them to join your email subscription list.

    The logic goes like this: people who have read all of your content until the end must really, really like your creation, right? These are the people most likely to become a loyal fan.

    So, putting an optin at the end is only logical since these people have enjoyed your content so much.

    1. Offer a freebie with an optin

    Of course, when some people have become real fans of your work, they are most likely to subscribe to your mailing list no matter what.

    But even then, it’s not always a given; even some fans may not really care about joining your mailing list unless there is some benefit to them.

    Having said that, of course, your email newsletters need to have some amazing content by themselves to make it enticing for people to want to join. But how can you convey that when new people haven’t even joined?

    Offer an incentive for joining. An incentive is always attractive especially if the incentive is something your fans will resonate with.

    As outlined in the study documented by Themeisle, furnish a portion of a resource at no cost, while ensuring the promise of more upon user subscription. This strategy of providing an inducement serves to captivate both existing content enthusiasts and fresh visitors who are in the process of acquainting themselves with your brand.

    By offering an incentive, you can better attract those who already love your content as well as new visitors who are just getting to know you as a brand. In the end, it’s a win for all parties.

    1. Upgrade your old content

    Have you been in a slump and can’t really come up with a new idea that is as fresh as a chick born only yesterday? Fear not! Creativity knows no bounds and there is always the possibility of turning old content into something new.

    It is common practice to update old content and present it as something new and relevant for the current year we are in. Of course, you don’t want to just recycle and lie! The point is transparency and clarity.

    Show that this is old content that was POPULAR when it was posted, now update the information and improve it with something new. This takes much less effort whilst still paying respect to your old but popular content.

    You can easily add an optin by the end of your article or blog post and get new loyal subscribers this way. This is an update as well as an upgrade.

    1. You can also lock content

    Another clever way to gain new subscribers fast is to have gated content. This usually can work if you already have quite a big fanbase. But even if you’re new and starting, you can occasionally post gated content on the side.

    Gated content means something like this: visitors to your website can read only a small portion of your entire article or blog post. To be able to access the rest, they need to be a subscriber.

    Referring to insights from the Word Stream study, seeking a swift method to increase your email subscribers without generating fresh content? Gated content, also known as content locking, offers a solution. This approach involves withholding a portion of the content that visitors are engaged with until they subscribe. The implementation of this tactic is straightforward and hassle-free.

    It’s up to your own policy whether that subscription should be paywalled or not. But people are more likely to subscribe if they are not required to pay for anything, right? After all, they just want to read an article.

    But if they really, really like you, there is a possibility they are willing to fill in some information and become a new subscriber even if that subscription requires payment.

    1. Run an attractive giveaway

    This method is sure to work as even social media influencers benefit from this old trick in the book. Holding a giveaway event is a proven method to gaining new subscribers fast.

    The key to making this trick work is to not have too many rules as that could potentially turn people away. Basically, the rules need to be quite basic, and in your case, it is that you want to gain new subscribers, right?

    So, focus on that and be clear about that instead of being sneaky about stuff. Just state that you want everybody to become a member of your mailing list and they will need to share the news with, maybe, 3 or 5 other friends.

    That’s it and you will gain new subscribers fast if your giveaway prize is attractive. That said, it’s important that your giveaway prize is relevant to what you do as a brand.

    Hope you enjoy reading “5 Proven Methods To Get More Email Subscribers Today” 🙂

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