5 Optin Ideas To Supercharge Your Email List

    1. Offer an incentive for joining your mailing list

    In our digital world today, you can’t deny the importance of providing content for free. In our tough economy today? Whoa, it has become even more important to show generosity to the people of the Internet.

    With that said, offer incentives for joining your mailing list if you want to grow it rapidly. Don’t fret about having to give away small freebies to grow your mailing list. Email marketing has the highest ROI for digital marketing.

    Drawing from insights presented in the Pointerpro study, navigating a challenging economic climate involves offering free content as an expression of gratitude towards online users. This gesture not only demonstrates appreciation but also serves as a means to expand your mailing list. The investment in this approach proves valuable, yielding substantial benefits from your generous actions.

    It’s worth it. You’ll get much more out of your generosity. But even if you don’t have a physical product to give away for free, you can still offer a digital download of an e-book that you were selling in the past.

    If you don’t have that either, you can still try to send out special content that will be sent directly to a new subscriber’s email address.

    1. Responsive popups

    When it comes to optin practices, it is wise to utilise popups on your website. Popups appear somewhere on the website when somebody has landed on it.

    However, it is actually not a good idea to immediately show a popup right after someone has landed on your website. That can be annoying as people could get distracted from browsing what they were initially trying to find.

    If you do this without any semblance of sensibility, you might as well turn a potential subscriber into a hater. With that said, use a smart and responsive popup instead.

    These are the kinds of popups that can detect when a visitor to your website is trying to quit. Right before they click on that X button, up pops your popup and this is the time to ask them to join your cult aka mailing list.

    To make your optin more attractive, offer an incentive!

    1. Use geolocation to customise your popup call-to-action

    If you have activated geolocation detection in your optin setting, this part is easy. Basically, you can create custom optins based on where in the world your website visitor is viewing your content.

    Why is it important to customise your optin just based on location? Well, then, if you are a big business that offers different services and promotions, you will understand immediately.

    Big businesses can differ in their promotional tactics in different regions of the world, so if you can offer a discount or promotion that actually works for that visitor, it’s the right move to make.

    Even if your promotions are all the same globally, with geolocation detection you can customise your optin messages and call-to-action to appeal more to the local people.

    Derived from the insights shared in the Constant Contact study, it’s advisable to incorporate geolocation detection within your opt-in settings. This practice enables a comprehensive grasp of your customers’ requirements. When offering promotions, tailoring them to align with their specific needs becomes feasible. This understanding empowers you to strategically plan your business approach, leveraging insights into your consumer base.

    Geolocation is great for those of you who want to strategically target different consumer bases and then send out customised email newsletters in the future.

    1. Free shipping codes and coupons

    In line with the idea of offering freebies, how about offering special discounts and free shipping? Of course, the codes for all of these transactions will be sent to the email address of a new subscriber.

    If you aren’t keen on the idea of giving away freebies, this one will work as well.

    Basically, you’re not really giving away anything for free, but after a new visitor has joined your mailing list, they are given a discount code or coupon for their next purchase on your website. Isn’t that neat?

    Based on the research presented by Option Monster, one of the most straightforward opt-ins for eCommerce involves offering coupon codes or free shipping. Given that the codes for these benefits are dispatched to the email of new subscribers, it serves as an effective strategy to attract and secure new subscribers for your website.

    With this practice, you are more likely to gain new subscribers and these new people are just as likely to make a purchase on your website.

    The conversion rate going up, for sure. Even on the occasion that your discount code goes to waste, you still maintain to get new subscribers, so that’s still a win anyway.

    1. Offer a chance to get VIP access

    On another note, if your business does offer special content that needs VIP access to view, you can also use this to entice new subscribers.

    People all love the word VIP. It gives off this special, exclusive, and limited access and if a new subscriber can get access to VIP content just by subscribing, your mailing list will grow exponentially in a short amount of time.

    The kind of VIP access that you are offering can vary depending on what kind of business you are in. Of course, if you are a blogger who offers paywalled content, this could be it.

    Meanwhile, if you are a beauty brand that occasionally offers beauty classes for members, this could be it as well.

    Get creative with what VIP content or access you can offer those who are interested in your line of business and your mailing list is sure to grow.

    Hope you enjoy reading “5 Optin Ideas To Supercharge Your Email List” 🙂

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