5 Easy Ways to Capture Email Leads Without Being Pushy

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  1. Verify the emails list

Having the right leads would help you capture a greater market without much struggle. Hence you must invest time to ensure that you not only have a voluminous list but that this list comprises the right email contacts.

How then do you ensure your email list collection is worth the effort? You can turn to TruLeads.

Based on the insights presented by OptinMonster's research, TruLead stands to guarantee that your list predominantly consists of your intended audience. Acquiring the right leads can significantly facilitate capturing a larger market share with reduced challenges. Furthermore, TruLead operates as a safeguard, effectively thwarting spambots from including counterfeit addresses within your contact list.

This Lead Verification algorithm confirms your target audiences’ email contact. It also sieves off fake addresses released by spambots.

You gain in several ways. First, you save more money than you could have otherwise paid to Email Service Providers for your email contacts. Thus you only pay for the correct emails, not those submitted to your list by spammers.

It also sieves off unwanted strings within the email such as IP addresses and temporary mails. Besides, you get the option to review the rejected emails and contacts within a month.

The manual verification allows you to approve the right ones.

  1. Turning off Popup for Blog posts

Popups are a great way to induce your readers to sign up. So you could put them to greater use more often.

They are good for eCommerce platforms. Viewers usually visit these sites for shopping and so seeing a popup promising discount vouchers after registration seems alright.

Referring to insights from the Bright Pink Agency study, certain scenarios indicate that popups displayed promptly upon the initial pageview can yield favorable conversion rates. For instance, if you run an eCommerce platform and your popup presents a discount voucher, considering an immediate triggering mechanism is worth exploring. The rationale behind its efficacy lies in the fact that individuals visiting your eCommerce site typically have an intent to make a purchase.

But for blog readers, things are different. They may have searched your site to pick valuable data written in your magazine, or to view a chat.

In this situation, bludgeoning them with a popup immediately and then clicking is irritating. Still, you need to appeal to these visitors.

So what do you do in such a case? Well, you hold your solicitation popup until they are on the second page of reading.

This way, you don’t interfere with their main reason for visiting the site. Let them read the narration and explore the site.

Some would eventually click the popup to sign up. But when you release these options too soon, most readers aren’t even ready to buy yet.

  1. Set a Floating Bar on the scroll

Floating bars are email capture tools that remain on the top of the user’s screen. The reader can drag it to the bottom or side of the screen to better use the display panel.

According to findings presented in the Picreel study, floating bars serve as prominent email capture tools that remain affixed to either the top or bottom of the user's screen while scrolling. This feature ensures that your opt-in offer remains in the viewer's field of vision without impeding their browsing experience.

They are highly visual and move as one scroll up and down the document or screen. As such, they retain the opt-in button in view, without preventing the reader from viewing the document.

For some people, a floating bar can be annoying, especially when it comes immediately after one starts to read the contents.

So how do persuade the viewer to use it without appearing to be too pushy? Well, you may program the popup to only open after the subscriber has scrolled down the page for a certain length.

This could appear when he’s halfway through the document, or three-quarter ways. When the pop-up appears at this juncture, the reader would have gotten the gist of the document.

  1. User initiation

Sometimes pretending not to be concerned is the best way to let the users initiate the registration process. This way, your site could look like an exclusive members club.

This approach is known as Zeigarnik Effect, This principle mentions that those who initiate a process would more probably move it to the finish.

But how do you keep them guessing whether to join or not? You can do this by hiding the optin button until they click on an image or a link.

Once they start this, they may just fill in the registration credential needed and submit the form without initiation from your side.

You can do this by implementing a 2-stage sign-up process. This approach has been proven to increase the conversion rate.

The first is to solicit their attention to an offer they can’t resist. Once they click on it, another box appears directing them to sign up and get the requested content directly in their mailbox.

This way, they have signed up to receive the contents they need, while you have acquired new customers in the process.

  1. Repeat the opt-in request

Sometimes the reader is so engaged in the content that they simply avoid any reason to derail their interest. In this case, they may ignore the sign-in popup.

Sometimes, also they just need to get the details that would convince them to sign up. So you should give them a second chance.

This means that after readers ignore the initial registration panel, you can quietly initiate another sign-in button after gauging their interest.

Still, set it differently so that you don’t appear to be pushy. You may make the first request to be a popup, while the second one comes as a slide.

If they ignore the first and the second attempts, you can still make a last-ditch effort to lure them once more. After all, they have read a substantial part of the content and are still on the page.

Here you may try using an inline ad. All these should be spaced so that they appear after the reader completes a web page.

Hope you enjoy reading "5 Easy Ways to Capture Email Leads Without Being Pushy" :)

How To Insert A GIF Into An Email?

Adding a GIF in an email must have a purpose. These purposes may include announcing a deal, promoting a new product or service, reshaping the customers’ mood, grabbing customers’ attention to newer articles, previewing fresh video content, telling some new story or mentoring through easy tutorials.

The GIF inserted in an email should work in conjunction with a Call-to-Action button. By doing this trick, GIFs will not be just a decorative part of the email; rather they will take the reader to perform certain next action. The customized GIFs can be more appealing than the random ones; therefore, GIFs should be matching with the idea of the brand.

It is not mandatory that all GIFs should be funny; rather it must carry the brand. If the insertion of humor is unavoidable; it must be added decently and sticking to the brand. In GIFs, all controversial references, names, and materials must be avoided.

When it is intended to insert a GIF, the file must be saved as GIF, instead of any other format of imagery like PNG or JPG, etc. File size must be considered as the large-sized files that may take a longer time to download or upload and may impact the user experience.

File size of GIF becomes more vulnerable when those are seen on mobile phones because while downloading they will consume a long time to download and the subscriber will get tired of it.

The GIF files are to be properly embedded with the message; to check whether GIF has been embedded or not; the email may be tested industriously beforehand. The clients likely to receive a particular series of emails may be gauged in relation to the clients’ device.

Some GIFs might not support the customer’s device and the customer may get disappointed before opening your next email. Innovation in creating the GIF is also a basic and important ingredient of the email with a GIF; therefore, the GIF should be exclusive and appealing.

Hope you enjoy reading "How To Insert A GIF Into An Email?" :)

1 Amazing Social Media Marketing Idea

The day in History

Social media channels are an indispensable part of our life. Admit it or not! Every day we spend an average of 160 minutes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Most companies share “one this day in history” articles every day on their different social media accounts. This alternative emerging approach has turned out to be extremely beneficial. These posts get more social shares than any other posts.

Finding interesting events that have happened in the past around the world and let your audience know. You can also share “National Day” posts to find things like National Coffee Day and other relevant days. Ever wonder why such posts receive more engagement than long-form content? Allow us to enlighten you about some mind-blowing facts. Whenever a brand shares such posts, the number of a retweet, repost, and shares increases and reaches more people.

One Reason Why No One Is Reading Your Email Newsletter

The use of several links in the email

You must not include lots of links while writing the content of the email. It can decrease your email open rate. For the optimization of emails, you must have control over the number of links in the content. It is better not to include more than 5 links in your email body. One of the helpful tricks to you is to your place your CTA in the first or second link. While you have four to five links, you have to distribute them at different spots of the email content.

Unknowingly, the email marketers add several links to their content. However, this mistake may reduce their email open rate. By maintaining the number of links in the email content, you will find a higher CTR in the email. You will get several other benefits by following these tips for the email marketing campaign.


Best One Email Idea For When You Are Not Sure What To Send

Email for promoting your product through video

While you have started your marketing campaign, you can rely on the potential of video. Use a video for conveying your message. It is the faster way of growing your audience. Although there are different ways of showing your video, you may better send it through email.

You can use the words to form the major content of the email. However, you have to embed the video at the right place of the content. It is also better to make an animated image, looking like a video. Another trick for you is to include a Play button instead of the full video. After clicking on this button, the email readers will get redirected to the YouTube channel.

Although it is good to add a video, you have to check out the size of this file. Very large files take time to get loaded. You will have no chance to gain their attention.

2 Don't Of Using An Autoresponder

Missing a greeting

Your customer has received a message from you but sees no “Hi, or Hey” or any other form of greeting. Have you seen some organizations using local greeting words for their local customers? How does it feel receiving a message with no greetings at all? It is like rushing to convey your message without bothering what the reader may already be going through that day. Adding personalization to your email is very important.

A greeting can change the entire impression on your customer. A greeting can change their day, rather make their day. Especially when you send them great content for which they are waiting, when randomly they receive an email from you, they will be very happy. A greeting is the first thing written in the email body including a few words and can be in your national language too. It is the start of your content and a good impression makes its good content and helps you write better.

No goals for your campaign

If only a campaign was initiated without any targets or aims, it would run but not be successful. You will not know what the results could do for you and may not even consider looking at it. Before you even start writing anything, you must have a plan in mind. A reason why you want to run this campaign and what you want to achieve from it.

You want to know about more clicks, more open rates, more downloads of your ebook, more attendees to your webinar, and so on. Every email you send costs you time and money. So let this investment be worth your efforts. Your team should be aware of the goals you want to achieve from this campaign and start working on it. Discuss what else can be achieved or done to make this campaign successful. Reflect on the results and work on improving your next campaign.