5 Ways To Win At Writing Email

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  1. Use personalisation in your subject line

Depending on the type of email that you are sending out, you should consider using personalisation. This method has become common practice and most email marketers are already using it.

After all, it is important to remember that email marketing is all about getting deep and personal with your clientele. However, the use of personalisation also needs to be strategic and intentional.

In some cases, email marketers can use a subscriber’s first name in their subject line. This is usually considered attention-grabbing. But that doesn’t mean every single email you send out should contain the recipient’s name, right?

Order confirmation emails don’t need that. However, promotional and milestone emails could utilise this when appropriate.

In some other cases, personalisation can be used not in the subject line but in the opening of an email. This works best for more formal emails, too.

Market Tailor underscores that personalization goes beyond mere customization and can encompass elements like the recipient's geographical location, interests, or past purchases. Leveraging this information to construct compelling subject lines empowers businesses to create emails that resonate with the recipient on a deeper level. Notably, the inclusion of personalized subject lines leads to a substantial 50% surge in open rates, underscoring the significant impact of such an approach.

  1. Proofread your grammar and spelling

Although email marketing is first and foremost praised for its personal approach to a customer base, it doesn't mean that email marketing can be messy.

When you are selling someone something from your brand, it is still important to appear reliable, right? Like you want to show them you really give a damn about the time they are spending reading your emails.

You want to show that appreciation by crafting email newsletters that still pay respect to correct grammar and punctuation.

You should leave no room for typos and any grammatical errors, so you need to carefully reread your emails and proofread them, okay?

It's just a little extra step but if you want to win this game of email marketing, you should not let go of the basics! After all, millions of other email marketers are presenting their best. Why would you fall short?

An article from MarketSplash reveals compelling data regarding the impact of errors in marketing content. Research indicates that marketing materials with spelling or grammatical mistakes experience a significant 70% drop in click-through rates. Alarmingly, ads with grammatical missteps suffer a 72% decrease, while those with evident spelling blunders see a further 20% decline. The importance of meticulous content editing is clear.

  1. Be personal but maintain professionalism

So, as we have established, email marketing is mainly utilised to maintain a close and personal touch to your relationship with your subscribers.

However, when we say "personal", we mean it in a way that you get to directly communicate with your subscribers; unless you are using a no-reply email, which is actually not a good idea at all.

And as such, email marketing establishes personal communication which actually still needs a high degree of professionalism. This isn't the early 2000s anymore.

Email marketing has become an integral part of business dealings, and as such, most people today would expect reliability and trustworthiness. That's why you wouldn't want to sacrifice manners and politeness in your email marketing.

Irrespective of your personal voice in your artistry, your email newsletters are meant as a way to inform, so it is best to use standard polite language even if your tone is casual.

  1. Keep your emails short and clear

To really win at email marketing, you are required to spin your brain faster for a greater creativity level. We mean that you may need to really think about ways to get your messages across whilst still retaining brevity.

Email marketing is meant to be fast and to the point. So, with that said, it's not that necessary to be so poetic and use many words to get your meaning across. If you don't generally have a lot to say, then congrats.

Hurrdat Marketing states that marketing emails benefit from brevity and clarity. In our fast-paced digital landscape, concise content captures attention and delivers the message swiftly. Short emails are more likely to be read fully, ensuring key information is absorbed. Clarity eliminates confusion, enhancing the call-to-action's effectiveness. Simplified emails cater to diverse audiences and devices, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

But if you generally have a lot to share, well, it is best to strategize. You don't have to pour all news into a single email newsletter. Get clear and concise about only a few topics. The rest you can deliver at a later time as part of a series.

Yep, that's about it. After all, the email marketing campaign should be run periodically. So that's good news for gathering ideas for future email topics.

  1. Respect your readers for the humans that they are

Lastly, this is something a bit sensitive that some email marketers seem to forget. Some businesses are so arrogant that they have forgotten to treat their subscribers as human beings.

Instead, some businesses make it clear that they are only interested in sending out emails and promotions to get their subscribers to turn into buyers.

Sure, we know this is the goal of email marketing, but you don’t want to make your subscribers feel that you are only seeing them as your coin bags.

As such, it will do you good if you narrate the content of your stories in a way that really appeals to your readers as humans. It’s not a good idea to only promote products and tell people to buy your products or services.

It’s also important to share meaningful content that is actually beneficial for the well-being of your readers, too.

Hope you enjoy reading "5 Ways To Win At Writing Email" :)

How To Personalize Your Emails Without Being Creepy

In classic times, the format and style of emails used to be generalized due to which many of those emails used to be neglected or even sometimes deleted by the user without opening it.

The contemporary practices have totally changed the style and format of email; personalized email addressing people by their names and titles leave a great impact on the recipient.

Personalizing emails is not only addressing the people by their names and titles but also fabricating the title line as well as content in the body in accordance with the interests of a particular individual.

Though most of the time it is automated, yet it looks very formal and sophisticated to view an email in such a way. In all this stream of personalization; the most important thing to remember is not to bring any disturbance to the recipient.

At the same time, the recipient should not get irritated about the personalized things – that is only possible if a marketing professional doesn’t behave creepy or scary to the audience. The creepy email marketing executives are not favorites of anyone.

While personalizing or customizing; these factors may be kept in mind in order to improve upon this feature without behaving creepily. The method of personalizing should be finalized first.

While personalizing the subject line or the body text; creepy words, phrases or sentences are to be identified and necessary amendments are to be incorporated for the betterment of the content and overall face of the email. Personalizing the emails should be kept in the first place – because email marketing has evolved with the passage of time and personalization has become a need of time.

A far batter matrix of the email marketing professionals can be produced by personalizing the emails. Personalization without a creepy gesture will give the recipient a special feeling upon being addressed with his or her own name and title. The individual will feel more special when he or she will see the matter of his or her interest in the content of that particular email.

Hope you enjoy reading "How To Personalize Your Emails Without Being Creepy?" :)

One Tip On How To Grow Your Email List?

Build discrete landing pagers for guest visitors

Guest visitors are that section of the online traffic who come across a piece of your post and if they like it, they will go on and follow your website.

This where your guest post strategy will become a strong tool to score more subscribers. If you are writing a guest post on other platforms, find some space for your landing pages to welcome new visitors.

You can use page builder tools available on the internet, if you are not confident about the optimization of your home page, just leave a link to the post you are surer of. All you need to do to get a new visitor to join your email list is to give them a small nudge.

If you have a more detailed article that is in parallel with the guest post, then you can mention a link as a bait for the visitors to subscribe.

1 Email Marketing Mistake To Avoid

Emails miss on the power of plain text

Some users tend to underestimate the power of the plain text email. But if emails are perfectly formatted and arranged for newsletters as well as product updates can improve the rate of conversion. But you will have to make it perfect and you can start by creating a short plain note and sending it to your teammate. See how they will respond about it.

Then you can discuss with your team and create a plain text email that is appealing. Make sure that the email is short and contains important details. Avoid writing very long emails as no one want to spend their entire time reading long emails. Make sure that the reader will grasp the point you are trying to make and avoid creating emails that consist of multiple topics, as this will make it difficult for the user to get your point.

Here Is The One Costly Email Autoresponder Mistake

Low frequency

Perhaps you are a very thoughtful person who understands that your readers wouldn't appreciate a bombardment of advertisements. So you have decided to send out content only every month or so, even longer. On the contrary, this can prove very ineffective and become a huge cost for your valuable content which you've worked hard upon.

Your delivery should not be too aggressive, but also not too meek. It's important that you figure out a good balance of content length and frequency. If your content is brief and lighthearted, it might be okay to send out every 1 or 2 weeks. If your content is a profoundly informative type, which requires a while for your reader to grasp and ponder upon, once a month might turn out more effective.

It is best to keep in mind that you want your readers to remember that your products or services are always there, and available to reach when they need them.