5 Ways To Re-Optimize Your Email Auto-Responder Campaign To Improve Opens, Clicks, And Sales

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Marketers run different email autoresponder campaigns to improve their clicking and conversion rates. If you’re new and want to learn more, we have listed 5 ways people re-optimize their email autoresponder campaign to improve opens, clicks, and sales.

  1. Test out your email subject lines

So, you are struggling with your emails not getting the opens you had hoped for. This must be heartbreaking because you worked really hard on your amazing content.

But has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the reason your emails aren't getting opened is that your subject lines aren't interesting enough?

Before your email recipients read what you have to share with them in your email newsletters, it is the subject line they are seeing. The subject line of an email is your first line of attraction.

According to Finances Online, the significance of the email subject line is frequently highlighted in email marketing. A substantial 47% of email recipients make their decision to open emails based solely on the subject lines. Similarly, 69% of recipients classify emails as spam based purely on the subject line. Failure to generate interest in the subject line often leads to automatic deletion of the email.

You need to come up with subject lines that are attention-grabbing. As much as your subject lines need to be clear about the content of the email, they also need to be intriguing.

Try to come up with different subject lines for past emails that didn't get opened much and see if new ways of rewording your subject line work this time.

  1. Test out different types of offers

In order to increase sales, you need to occasionally open attractive offers for your subscribers. Discount codes are common, as well as bonus offerings.

One nifty tactic email marketers tend to use to quickly make sales is offering attractive bonuses and discounts at a limited time.

Using a time-limited offer in your marketing plan incites a feeling of urgency and this will drive people to make a purchase sooner, if not right away.

Be that as it may, some people, indeed, may not be able to take advantage of a time-limited offer; perhaps they are lacking the funds, or perhaps they saw the email only after the offer has ended.

Whatever the case may be, you want to test out different types and styles of offers that work best for you and your customers. That said, don't stick to just one method of marketing.

Test out a different method for past offers that didn’t generate high levels of sales.

  1. Work with a send time that works for you

A lot of email marketers, when they are still beginners, may turn to Mister Google and ask, 'What is the best time to send an email?'

Plenty of answers will come up, but the problem is, Google answers like that are generated across different industries. Also, it is a very generalised idea.

The average data may not work that well with you, so you need to be able to do your own small research. If you use an autoresponder, your software will be able to tell you when your emails are opened.

From there, you can determine for yourself what your prime times look like. Working with this data that you have obtained yourself, you can now schedule your emails in accordance with the real times your emails actually get opened the most.

SendPulse offers insights into the importance of sending personalized emails at the right times. To accomplish this, it's essential to make use of data and automation technologies. Data plays a crucial role in understanding audience actions, likes, and needs, providing valuable insights to determine the most suitable moments and days for email communication.

If you follow this step, you will never go wrong and you will increase your open rate easily.

  1. Test out different calls to action

When it comes to email marketing, the call to action is a crucial aspect that makes or breaks an email. Almost, really.

After all, your call to action is the directive that gets your subscribers to take action that benefits your business.

Whether the call to action is for them to get a free download of stuff, join a webinar, or the classic buy service, products or make an appointment.

Whatever the case may be, a call to action indicates to your subscribers what you expect them to do. But that's the thing, if your call to action is unrefined, most people wouldn't want to follow through.

After all, many people don't like being told what to do. If your call to action is too aggressive, or even too weak, no one is going to feel compelled.

Test out different styles of CTA to see which ones get the most clickthrough and conversion.

  1. Use smart segmentation and customise your emails

Not a lot of businesses actually segment their database. Segmenting can prove to be quite a lot of work, so a lot of people don't bother with deeper segmentation.

Businesses typically stop at just segmenting different types of emails that get triggered by certain actions, like abandoned cart emails, verification emails, and welcome emails; you know, the basics.

But smart email marketers will go the extra mile to segment their database based on, say, demographic, age group, gender, location, and more.

When smart segments are created and you manage to make custom emails for different types of people in your mailing list, your emails will have a more personalised touch to them.

This will create a sense of closeness with your customers and they feel you always come up with a solution they need. This will definitely drive up your open rates, click rates, and conversion rates.

Campaign Monitor uncovers that marketers who embraced a segmentation strategy in their campaigns experienced a remarkable 760% increase in revenue. A recent study indicates that segmented email campaigns achieve a noteworthy 100.95% higher click-through rate (CTR) and a 14.31% higher open rate compared to non-segmented email campaigns. These statistics illustrate that employing precise segmentation ensures significantly improved email open and click rates, ultimately leading to heightened revenue generation.

Hope you enjoy reading "5 Ways To Re-Optimize Your Email Auto-Responder Campaign To Improve Opens, Clicks, And Sales" :)

Are Your Emails Too Long? Here Is the Ideal Email Length

The question of keeping the email short, long or about the optimal length of an email is a debatable subject. The data recommended by Boomerang recommends that ideally, email can be somewhere more than 50 and less than 125 words; this length of email gets the maximum recipients’ response.

Using lesser character length can be supportive but exceeding the maximum length can never be beneficial. Recent research studied above two million recipients and proposed that emails having approximately twenty lines with plain text got the maximum click response.

The twenty lines virtually mean invariably using 200 words or less. Emails with too short length also don’t bring the desired results as those cannot contain sufficient information about the company, product or services being advertised through email.

It has also been learned that emails written in an easy and comprehendible language had the highest email response rate instead of using difficult vocabulary or complex words. Keeping the language simple and easy will result in a smaller character length thus ensuring the shorter and optimized email length.

Emails with an optimized and moderate length have proven to be more effective and responsive than the others. The length of the subject line is to be carefully considered as if the subject line is not fit into a mobile phone screen or on some other handheld device; it would obviously lose its actual impact.

Emails with an average of four or five words or with a single short sentence resulted to bring more response. Some people relate email length with other supportive content and consider that audiovisual content can cover the deficiencies due to email length; that is not true.

The images, GIFs, and videos cannot cover the problems created due to the inappropriate length. The ideal business emails are never too long to waste the precious time, effort and resource of the executives; rather a shorter email with meaningful and good content can serve the purpose in an improved manner.

One Tip On How To Grow Your Email List?

Optimize your subject lines

It is ubiquitous for people to create a seemingly perfect email, but it ends up getting meagre open rates. You edit it and make it as better as you can, but it still underperforms. With such emails, the problem could be their subject lines.

To counter this, segment your list to separate the subscribers who never opened those emails, and send them those emails again but with a few different subject lines this time. Add the subject line that got you the highest open rate to the email autoresponder and send the email with your winning subject line.

You must make it a habit to use attractive and modern subject lines. More importantly, you must always test the subject line before sending an email to all the subscribers on your list.

With this technique, you can resend underperforming emails to specific subscribers every month to raise open rates without worrying about spamming.

1 Email Marketing Mistake To Avoid

Not knowing when to disconnect automation

It is not a bad idea to use an automated system, as it is impossible for a human being to handle everything especially when it comes to marketing campaigns. You cannot handle every aspect involved in marketing by yourself and therefore using automated software and systems will save you a heck of things. However, there are times when you will need to disconnect from the automation system as soon as the campaign is done.

Many marketers forget about blocking and disconnecting the source from the automated marketing campaign as soon as they are done with it. This might lead to unwanted loops. In addition, sometimes the system keeps sending outdated emails to your subscribers with contents and names of a long-expired campaign.

Many agencies have learned a lesson in a hard way regarding disconnecting automation. When this happens, it might ruin your brand and reputation. Besides, it might lead to some of your subscribers to sign off from your list, as they will notice that they are receiving emails from bots. Who would want to communicate with bots in the first place?

Here Is The One Costly Email Autoresponder Mistake

Humorless Delivery

This one isn't exactly a very big mistake, although it depends greatly on the type of business you're dwelling in. But, people usually don't really like dry seriousness, right? So, if you can incorporate a little humor into your newsletter, it's all the better.

Using humor does not mean that you need to be comedic per se. You could incorporate narration that sounds friendly, which showcases that you know what's going on around your own business and the lives of the people interested in your business. Tactful humor shows that you're a smart person. And as we all can agree, people have an inclination to pay more attention to people they consider to know what they're doing.

A touch of funny narration creates a positive feeling within your readers, and this is a good thing. You want to build a lasting relationship with your clientele, don't you? A little bit of humor indeed goes a long way.

1 Tip For Perfecting Your Email Etiquette

Attention-Grabbing Techniques:

Grabbing the reader’s attention right from the start of the email is of huge importance. An individual always wants to know about “What is in it for me?”, “Why should I go on reading this email?”, and “Is it somehow beneficial for me?”. All these questions are answered with a solid start, which makes a quality impression on the customer. Following are the ways through which you can achieve the reader’s reaction:

Be sure to start your email with the above points to instantly intrigue your reader.

Another way to keep your reader invested in your content is by making use of visually appealing graphics and fonts. Adding color and images can increase the appeal of your email by ten folds.