The 5 Ultimate List Of Email Don’ts

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  1. Don’t use too many images

Emails are such a great way to get in touch with somebody. And there's a lot of creativity that can be infused into professional emails and email newsletters. In email marketing, we already know that using images is a great way to grab people's attention.

However, it can be a bit tricky, too. The thing is, you don't want to rely on pictures and images so much that the whole design makes your email content heavy in size. Emails are often opened on a smartphone.

According to a study reported by Zapier, when recipients open an email, they need to download images. If there's an excessive number of images or if they are of substantial size, it can considerably impede the loading time. This can lead to frustration among recipients, particularly those with slow internet connections or restricted data plans.

Many people open their emails whilst on the go and this means their access to fast internet connections may be limited.

If your usage of images is too extensive and your email becomes heavy, the content may simply not load when someone opens your email on a slow connection. You don't want to risk this kind of thing so be reasonable about it.

  1. Don’t go crazy with the gifs

Likewise, the same can be said about the use of gifs. Gifs are such wonderful additions to an email, whether we are talking about personal emails or professional ones. But gifs can also make an email very difficult to read.

Gifs may be smaller in size than quality images, but gifs are like small, looping videos. Gifs are always moving and the letters in them can change, too.

If you are not careful with how you place your gifs, they can instead become a distraction within your email. People might get dizzy head trying to ignore the gifs whilst reading the content of your email.

With all of that said, try to be reasonable with your usage of gifs in an email. Make sure you place them accordingly so they don't disturb people's enjoyment of skimming through your email content. Within emails, gifs should not exceed two.

  1. Don’t be lazy about creative subject lines

When it comes to emails, you know that your subject line is the first thing a reader is bound to read. Of course, they want to get a glimpse of information about what the email content is going to be all about.

As per article published by the Word Stream article, the subject line serves as the initial point of contact for email recipients. Crafting an effective subject line has the potential to create a favorable impression, motivating the recipient to open and engage with the email content. Conversely, a subject line that lacks effort or clarity may convey a sense of insignificance or even trigger spam suspicions.

With that said, your subject line needs to be a mini summary of what your email content is going to sound like. But then, you only have such a short line, so you don’t want to be wordy there in the subject line.

With that said, it requires a degree of creativity to create a subject line that is clear and concise but still manages to convey the essence of your email.

So, you shouldn’t be so lazy as not to think about an effective email subject line. On top of being clear and to the point, also remember that your subject line needs to grab people’s attention.

  1. Don’t underestimate perfect grammar

Sending emails feels exactly like writing a letter to a friend. A lot of young people may also feel like they're just writing something on social media.

But this would be a sad trapping as in the professional world, grammar and punctuation are very important. When sending professional emails, try your best to pay attention to your grammar, and punctuation, and look for any signs of typos.

Bad grammar that is accompanied by a lot of typos shows your readers that you didn't care enough about the quality of your writing. This can create a really bad image, right?

Your credibility and level of reliability could simply drop because of this kind of mistake that you may think is small.

But your email readers are most likely to read more between the lines and they will judge your character based on how you write. So, don't take this lightly.

  1. Don’t spam

Yup, this one is like the ultimate email don’t! Sending an email is easy, fast, and free, but oh my god, you don’t want to be spammy. If you send out business emails a lot, this becomes even more important to pay attention to.

You’re not sending a DM to a friend on social media nor are you commenting underneath someone’s internet post. In email, especially email marketing, you could do damage to your business if your emails are marked as spam.

Your Internet Service Provider has the ability to monitor email addresses that are considered spammy and when this happens, your ISP could limit the chances of your emails arriving at your readers’ inboxes.

According to a study reported by Mail Genius, engaging in spamming can have detrimental effects on your sender reputation. This could significantly impact the perception of your brand. Additionally, email service providers and spam filters might classify your emails as spam, increasing the risk that even your genuine emails will be marked as spam and potentially go unnoticed.

This could really hurt your brand if sending emails is a big part of what you do, whether professionally or promotionally. That said, it is important to be reasonable with how often you send emails.

Hope you enjoy reading "The 5 Ultimate List Of Email Don’ts" :)

One Fresh and Fun Ideas for your Newsletter

Launching Ceremony of a New Product

Earlier, businesses/companies used to launch new products without arranging any ceremony. This trend has changed now and the companies arrange large ceremonies to launch a new product. This has proved an effective marketing tool in recent years. The newsletter with news of such ceremonies is also very attractive for the customers, employees, and management. These types of newsletters may also contain the description of the newly launched product.

You can also send an invitation to your potential customers to attend the launching ceremony. This increases the confidence of the customers in your products and he may bring more customers. Writing the details of the launch ceremony will also prove handy in attracting customers. Invitations written in a beautiful style and including graphical and visual attraction are quite good in this regard as compared to simple invitations. Try to create an image of the ceremonial launch of the product or service in the readers? mind.

Here Is The One Auto Responder Tip That Would Turn Every Article You Send Out Into A Cart Item

Write conversationally

The method of your communication with your audience also impacts on their attention. You do not have to scare them with difficult articles and complicated words. These are just average readers who look at you as their valuable but intimate friend.

Hence you need to be informal with them. There is no need for formal introductions. Just talk to them as you would, to your longtime confidant. And this perspective has to be present in your correspondence.

You should write as if you are conversing naturally. Your language should be kind and pleasant, while in sync with your audience's everyday drawl. And if you categorize your clienteles into different geographic regions, you could throw in a few local accents in your emails.

The outcome of this conversational writing is enormous. First, the subscribers will consider you as their own. This assumption builds the level of trust they bestow on you. Further, it creates a more significant impact on them.

One Tip For Designing Effective HTML Emails

Link for viewing in a browser

Worse comes to worst, sometimes your recipients' email client might even become unable to load your newsletter properly. Images may not appear, or even the whole text might not load at all.

In this case, you'd want to provide the recipient of your email with an option to view the newsletter in a web browser. It is a good idea to provide a hyperlink that says 'View this email in a browser' at the top right corner of your newsletter.

What is also beneficial with viewing your newsletter in a browser is that your readers will be able to view your content in its full glory. No more restrictions and loading failures. Make sure you don't confuse the priorities for links to 'view email in a browser' and 'unsubscribe from this email'. A good idea is to put the first at the very top and the latter at the very bottom of your newsletter design.

One Automated Email You Should Be Sending Today

Are You Ready for Our Upcoming Event?

For an offline event, you need to announce well ahead of time and then remind the customers just a couple of days before the event. In this case of an online event, you may begin with a teaser followed by a detailed email about the event just a day before it begins. Then you need to remind the customers about the event when it’s active online.

This is the time when your customer service team needs to stay highly alert and efficient because the customers will be reaching your reps to know more. Some events are common for e-commerce, such as the Black Friday, the Boxing Day, and Valentine’s Day. The competition is at its peak during these events.

You must try to introduce an exclusive event such as the Anniversary of your business. The discount/sales policy during these events is significant. This is the time when you are not really trying to make big profits. The idea is to bring in more and more customers and then try to engage them in the long-run.